Sunday, July 5, 2009

Relaxing Day at Sea

We were a little slow getting up this morning. The time zone changed again last night (forward 1 hour). The boys were kind of wound up and excited last night, so we didn’t get them laid down until about 11pm –which was really 12 midnight with the time change. Then, at 2am, I heard some noises from their room and Justin & Cameron were still awake! When the alarm went off this morning at 9am, we rolled back over.

We finally got up and went up to breakfast around 10:15am. After breakfast, we came back to the room & changed, then decided to go to the pool for a while. The weather was gorgeous: Clear blue skies, sunshine, in the low 70’s with a light breeze. I was comfortable sitting in the sun reading, but I had a feeling the kids wouldn’t last long in the chilly water.After the swim, we dried off and went back to the cabin to change (again) and relax for a little while. We met up with Kent & Pi & co. for lunch around 1pm and made plans to drop the kids at the kid’s club later.

We went up to the club a little early and got the boys registered and then played some video game & air hockey in the nearby video arcade until the club opened at 2pm. We dropped the kids off without incident and then came back to the room. Michele immediately laid down for a nap. I took a shower and read my book for a while longer. After an hour, I called up to see how the boys were doing. Justin was the one I was most concerned about, since he seemed the most apprehensive about being dropped off. He said he was having fun and asked if he could stay longer. Of course you can! J I picked Justin & Cameron up around 4:30, but Brandon said he wanted to stay longer.

Tonight was formal night for dinner, so we had to get dressed up a bit before we headed to the dining room. The boys looked so handsome in their slacks & dress shirts. We stopped for a photo –I hope it turns out. At dinner tonight, we decided to sit the boys at one table and the girls at another. Cameron fell asleep almost immediately. The rest of the boys enjoyed farting, burping, and telling dirty jokes –it was great fun. Pop-pop really zinged Brandon with a couple of good ones like “Brandon, do you have a match? I do: Your face and my butt!” The boys were giggling hysterically by the end of the meal.

Now the boys are back at camp for a little while as I update the blog. We’re going to try to get them to bed early tonight, because we have a tour of Copenhagen first thing in the morning.

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