Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back Home

We made it back home this afternoon. It's now 8:15 and I am watching the Rays game trying to keep my eyes open as my body is still on London time (1:15am).

We left the hotel this morning at 8:30am for the bus ride to Gatwick airport. We allowed ourselves 2 hours to get there in case the traffic was heavy, but it only took just over 1 hour. We got checked in and through security without any difficulties and waitd in the British Airways lounge until boarding time. The lounge has a nice kid's play, which helped the boys pass the time.

Our flight departed around 12:45pm and was just under 9 hours enroute to Tampa. Justin slept for much of the flight and all the boys behaved really well overall until the captain announced 20 minutes until landing. That's when Brandon & Justin got bored and started horsing around, laughing, etc. I wasn't too tough on them considering they didn't give us any trouble for the first 8 & 1/2 hours.

We finally got to our house around 6pm, about 15 hours since we left the hotel this morning. We're going to try to stay up as late as we can to get back on Eastern time, but we are fading fast.

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