Friday, July 17, 2009

London - Day #2

We woke to grey, rainy skies this morning. The forecast called for continued rain and highs in the low 60’s. Undaunted, we met up with the family at 9:30am and headed to our first stop: The London Eye, which is like a gigantic ferris wheel on the bank of the Thames River. We arrived about 30 minutes before our “flight” time and I went to check us in. I noticed they were advertising “private capsules” and found that they were only a bit more than what I had already spent for 15 tickets. They agreed to upgrade us so our group would have a capsule all to ourselves.

We gathered the kids and climbed on board. When viewed from a distance, you can barely perceive that the Eye is moving at all. However, up close, I can assure you that it is. Once on board, they sealed us in and we began our 20 – 30 minutes ride around. Even though the skies were a bit cloudy, it wasn’t raining and the view was spectacular! I think everyone had a great time and I was really glad I upgraded our tickets.

Afterwards, we were starting to get hungry already. Brandon suggested the Hard Rock Café and everyone seemed to like the idea, so we hopped back on our bus and headed that way. We were still pretty early, so they were able to accommodate our party of 15 without advance notice. We all enjoyed some American comfort-food.

After lunch, we dropped off Mom & Dad and Kent & his family off at the hotel. The rest of us headed out for more sightseeing at the Tower of London. It took FOREVER to get through London traffic and the boys were starting to go stir-crazy by the time we got there. We jumped out of the bus just as it started really raining hard. We had to take shelter near the parking garage for a while and wait it out. Soon, the rain subsided and we went inside. We had a good time walking around and taking in the sights. Our favorite areas were the crown jewels and the armor displays.

We sat through heavy traffic again on the way back to the hotel and it was about 5:30 when we arrived. We decided to grab an early dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant before going in for the evening. Now, it’s time to get packed up again and head home tomorrow!

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