Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day at Sea

We enjoyed another relaxing day at sea today. We got up late and went up for breakfast around 10:30am. After breakfast, we walked around the boat for a while to see what was going on up on deck. We played some ping-pong. We grabbed lunch around 1pm and all the kids went back to Kent & Cristina’s room for a little while to play. She dropped them off at camp while Michele and I came back to the room to read & take a nap.

We picked the kids up from camp around 3:30 and walked around the deck some more. We ended up playing mini-golf. We came back to the room and I tried to get the kids to take a nap. Brandon & Cameron laid down, but Justin was all wound up and would not lay still. I let him read his book instead.

Pi booked dinner for all the adults at “Chops”, one of the premium adult-only restaurants on board. First, we took the kids to our normal dinner seating and got them fed. Then, we dropped them off at camp. The restaurant was terrific! I had a fantastic filet mignon and we ordered a bunch of sides to share. The service was great, too. The only downside is that you have to pay $25 per person cover charge, when normally all meals are free.

After dinner, we picked up the kids and played some games in the arcade. Now, we are getting them settled down for bed. Tomorrow, we will be in Stockholm, Sweden and we have a tour at 10am. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, but let’s hope the forecast is wrong.

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