Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We met up with the rest of the family for our tour today at 9:30am. We boarded buses outside the ship for the 15 minute ride into town and then visited the Swedish Fairy Tale Museum and the Vassa Museum, which are located close to each other near a lovely park. The weather was great again: clear skies, sunshine, and low 70’s.

Our first stop was the Fairy Tale Museum, which seemed very popular. We had to wait outside about 10 minutes before we could get in. Once inside, we were told to explore on our own, but to be back at the “train” ride at 11:00am, which gave us about 20 minutes to look around. There was a nice bookstore / gift shop and a big play area for the kids.

Soon, it was time to take our train ride. We were disappointed the find a huge line, but the kids didn’t care as the line snaked through another fun play area. They ran, climbed, laughed, and play for about 30 minutes while we waited in line. Finally, it was our turn and we got on board a small, gondola-type vehicle that was suspended from the ceiling. There was a narrated recording in English as we glided past various models of storybook scenes. The car went up, down, and all around for the 10 minute ride. It was very impressive and we all enjoyed it.

When we got off the train, we found our way through yet another play area, a café, and then back through the bookstore where our guide was waiting. She was distressed that we were running about 15 minutes late, but there’s nothing we could have done about it. I think Royal Caribbean needs to revise their time estimates for this tour!

Next, we walked to the nearby Vassa museum. The Vassa was a large warship built in the 1600’s, during the Vassa dynasty. During the construction, the designer / builder died and someone else took over. When the ship was finally ready, the King ordered that more cannon’s be installed. When the ship was launched in the harbor the first time and set the sails, it was too top-heavy and promptly tipped over and sank! It lay at the bottom of the harbor until several years ago when they recovered it and placed it in the museum. It is a magnificent vessel with lots of intricate carvings, especially on the stern. Too bad we were running late and didn’t get to stay very long. We grabbed a quick snack at the café and then it was time to head back to the bus.

The bus made a stop downtown for those that wanted to stay in Stockholm a bit longer, and we elected to get off. We enjoyed strolling down the busy streets and taking in the sites. The kids were getting pretty tired by now and we finally worked our way to the Absolut Ice Bar for a quick drink. Then, we caught a cab and came back to the ship.

All the kids are in the club tonight and Michele and I are enjoying some quiet time as the ship glides past the many islands surrounding Stockholm on our way back out to sea.

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