Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day at Sea

Wow, hard to believe it’s our last day on the cruise! Last night, Brandon stayed for the “after party” at the kid’s club. Michele and I were both tired, so we went to bed around 10pm. It felt funny going to sleep with Brandon still not home, but we both trust him. I got up to use the bathroom around 1:30 and was happy to see he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He said he got in around midnight.

Today was mostly uneventful. I was up early and went up for coffee where I met the other early risers in our group: Mom, Dad, Pi & Tina. I checked my e-mail and went back to the room. Soon, Michele & the boys were up and around, so we went up for breakfast. Afterwards, we came back to the room and began packing up some of our stuff. I went to the gym for a while around 11am and then met up with Michele & the kids for lunch after I got cleaned up.

The kids went in the camp for a while this afternoon while Michele got a massage and I met up with Kent, Dad, & Pi at the casino to play Roulette. I lost badly at first and almost left, but the guys convinced me to hang in there. A couple hours later, I was almost even, so I didn’t feel so bad.

At dinner, the wait staff brought me some Key Lime Pie with a candle and sang Happy Birthday, which was nice. We handed out our tips and then the kids wanted to go back to the club again. Michele and I just finished our packing. In a few minutes, I will update the blog and then pick up the kids and start getting them settled down for bed.

Tomorrow, we have to meet at 7:15am to get off the ship, so we’ll be getting up pretty early for breakfast. With any luck, we’ll be checking into our hotel in London around lunchtime.

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