Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oslo, Norway

Happy Birthday to me! We weren’t scheduled to get to Oslo until 2pm, so we slept in late this morning. Brandon & I were up first at 8:45 and we went upstairs to get breakfast. Afterwards, I spent some time on the computer researching shows & sightseeing in London later this week.

When I got back to the room, Michele was heading out to breakfast with the other two boys. Brandon went with them and I went to the gym for a little while. After lunch, I had time for a short nap before it was time to meet up for our tour.

It was a rough afternoon. The boys had been up late last night and didn’t get a nap today. Justin & Cameron were super-tired and cranky. After leaving the ship, we got on a bus and headed out. Our guide explained that we would be heading away from town and visiting 3 Viking museums. Until that point, I think I didn’t realize exactly what we were getting into.

At the first museum, we all tried to listen in to what the guide was telling us, but he was talking very softly, the museum was very loud, and the kids were restless, so we soon abandoned that idea. Cristina took Justin outside and the rest of us walked around the museum, viewing the exhibits at our own pace. However, it was crowded and dark, and the English translations were very small, so we soon tired of it and went outside with the others.

There was a nice lawn out front, so I encourage the kids to run and play. This quickly deteriorated into a fistfight between Cameron & Justin. I restrained Justin, but Cameron kept swinging and popped Justin pretty hard in the face triggering a nuclear meltdown for Justin. 1 museum down, 2 to go. I kept scanning the area for taxi’s so we could get out of this tour and head back to town, but there were none to be found.

Soon, we climbed back on the bus for a short drive to the next Viking museum. We walked through that one in similar fashion and then I took the boys outside to play, while I continued to scan for cabs. When the tour guide came by, I asked him about getting a taxi and he suggested we could take the ferry instead. We decided to give it a try.

It was a short walk down to the ferry dock where we got in line and waited…and waited…and waited. Finally the ferry arrived. It looked pretty full, but surely some people will be getting off, right? Wrong. The line inched forward, but the ferry became full before we got to the front. We didn’t want to wait 30 minutes for the next ferry, so we walked back to the museum to catch the bus.

We got back to the ship around 6pm. I felt bad that I hadn’t really hadn’t seen much of Oslo. Michele generously offered to take the kids on the ship and let me go for a walk in the city. I had a nice time walking around and taking in the sites. I walked by the City Hall, National Gallery, Royal Palace and Parliament. I stopped in the Hard Rock Café for a beer and bought a couple T-shirts to add to my collection. I was back on the ship by 7:15pm and met up with the family at dinner.

Now, the Brandon & Justin are in the club and Cameron is just about ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day at sea and then we’ll be back in Harwich, England on Thursday morning.

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