Monday, July 13, 2009

Day at Sea

It was very nice to sleep in this morning and not have to rush off for a tour. We went up for breakfast around 8:45am and then came back to the room to relax for a while. Michele had a massage at 9:15. When she got back, I went to the gym for a while. It was cold & rainy outside, so there wasn’t really much for the boys to do, but I think they enjoyed just doing nothing for a change.

After lunch, Michele took the kids to the indoor pool for a while. It is located in an area normally reserved for adults only, but they relaxed the rules today because of the inclement weather. Meanwhile, I met up with Kent, Dad, & Pi at the casino. Kent talked me into playing in a Texas Hold’em poker tournament at 1:30. I did better than I expected. My strategy of patient folding at the beginning and more aggressive bets later on was paying off well through the first half. When we took a 20 minutes break, several players were already out (including Kent & Dad, Pi was just watching) and I had the most chips. After the break, one of the players bought back in and several others bought more chips, but I did not. I bet big on a couple decent hands, but I lost and was soon out as well.

When I got back to the room, Michele was napping and the kids were restless and asked to go to the club for a while. After dropping them off, I came back to the room and took a short nap before dinner. All the adults went to Portafino restaurant this evening, so the kids were back in the club for a while. All-in-all, a very relaxing day!

Tomorrow, we will be on Oslo, Norway. Unlike our other ports so far, we won’t be getting in until 2pm, so we get to sleep in again, then we have a tour of a Nordic museum in the afternoon.

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