Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tallinn, Estonia

I think we all appreciated having an extra hour of sleep last night! I went up and played soccer on the sports deck with the kids again and got them all worn out (or maybe wound up?) and we got to bed around 11pm.

We had to get up extra early this morning for our walking tour of Tallinn. We ate a quick breakfast in the room about 6:45am, then dropped the kids at camp around 7:00 and met up with our group at 7:15am. I had given the kids the option of A) going on a 4-hour walking tour of the city, or B) staying the kid’s club instead. They chose B. I was kind of hoping Brandon might join us, but I can’t say I blame him. Kent’s girls stayed in the club also, but Pi & Tina brought their girls along. The weather wasn’t great when I stepped out on the balcony this morning: cold (50’s?) and wet with grey skies.

We had a short bus ride into town and then we got out and started…standing. That is my main complaint about the tour: Too much standing versus walking. We would walk a short distance and then stand for 10 minutes while our guide gave us an oral history of Estonia. During the tour, we were pleased to see the sun come out and the temperatures gradually warmed up to the low 60’s.

Back in the 1400’s after several bad fires, Tallinn enacted a law that any new structure must be built of stone. As a result, the town today looks like it came straight out of a medieval storybook. I felt like I had been taken back in time as we walked the city streets. Adding to this feeling were many shopkeepers and merchants that dressed in medieval garb. Some of the merchants in the square were making pottery on a primitive spinning wheel as we strolled by.

After the tour concluded, we decided to stay in town for more shopping, sightseeing, and lunch. We ate at a medieval themed restaurant called the Peppersack, where we sample specialties such as black rye bread, honey beer, and borsch. Kent & I enjoyed reading some of the botched menu translations such as “Mummy salad with smocked chicken”, but the girls just thought we were being juvenile. Soon we were on our way again. Kent found an antique shop with lots of cool old stuff from both the German and Soviet occupations. We both got some old currency notes and military medals as souvenirs.

Finally, everyone was getting tired and we started heading to the shuttle bus stop. Pi & his family took the shuttle, while Michele & Cristina shared a cab. Kent & I decided to walk back to the ship and take in the sights a bit longer. The walk should normally take about 30 minutes, but we made a couple detours and had to stop for refreshments now and then. We got back around 3:00pm, just 30 minutes before the “all-aboard” time.

Believe it or not, the kids wanted to go BACK to the camp again after dinner tonight. Michele is getting her nails done in the spa, so I am all alone enjoying a few minutes of peace & quiet. Maybe after I update the blog, I will sit on the balcony and read for a while….

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